Creating and Managing Users in Linux




Managing user accounts on your Linux VPS is vital for maintaining security and organization. This guide walks you through the processes of creating new users, modifying existing ones, and deleting users when necessary.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Adding a New User

  1. To add a new user, use the adduser command followed by the username:
    sudo adduser newusername
  2. Follow the prompts to enter the password and fill out additional user information.

Step 2: Modifying User Accounts

  1. You can modify a user account using the usermod command. For example, to change a user's username:
    sudo usermod -l newusername oldusername
  2. To change a user’s home directory:
    sudo usermod -d /new/home/directory username

Step 3: Deleting a User

  1. To remove a user account, use the deluser command:
    sudo deluser username
  2. To delete a user along with their home directory and files:
    sudo deluser --remove-home username

Step 4: Managing User Group Memberships

  • Add a user to a group:
    sudo usermod -aG groupname username
  • View a user’s group memberships:
    groups username


With this understanding of user management on Linux, you can effectively control who accesses your VPS and what they are permitted to do. Regularly reviewing and updating user permissions and accounts helps maintain a secure and efficient server environment.


Always ensure that you have appropriate permissions to manage user accounts on your system. Making unauthorized changes could disrupt service and lead to security issues.

  • add user Linux, manage Linux users, Linux user management, user accounts, Linux VPS
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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